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Welcome to Assured Messages! Here's what we're about.

Delivering messages of assurance 📬

Assured Messages started from a desire to encourage people. The goal has always been to inspire, uplift and strengthen people through devotions centred around God and His love, mercy and goodness. After all, our God and Heavenly Father is the source of all good things and He gives freely to all.

For one and all ✌️

Building on that, this online blog is also meant for all – in multiple senses of the phrase.

  1. Free forever
    The author, Dr Benson Ikuesan, wishes to make these articles as accessible as possible. That's why you won't find any paywalls, subscriptions or membership fees here! We are proud to be able to offer this collection of inspirational blog posts totally free of charge and with no advertising! You also won't find any cookies or other intrusive tracking devices lurking around in your browser, so your data remains yours. You can read more on our privacy policy here.
  2. Totally inclusive
    We understand the content here is heavily focussed on and influenced by the Bible, but this little corner of the internet is by no means a secret club for Christians. However you've found us today, you are first and foremost very welcome! Secondly, we hope you feel encouraged and inspired by what you read on Assured Messages. And if at any point you'd like to contact us to further discuss something, there is a handy contact formavailable to do just that. We'd love to hear from you.

To bring hope to the world 🌍

At such a time as this, with the world filled with fear, doubt and uncertainty, we need a steady resource. We need to be filled with assurance in God's word and His love for us. Hoping in that which we cannot see yet, is the very definition of hope. And one day, we hope to see a world entirely filled with love and covered by the grace of God.

We hope these articles find you well.